Belonging Part 1: What is it and Why should we care?

Here's part 1 of the series on belonging, which includes trying to define belonging and why it matters so much to us as humans. I didn't actually get to cognitive biases, but hey - what's another blog in the already 6-part series?!? Belonging – What at least some of the research says What we know: … Continue reading Belonging Part 1: What is it and Why should we care?

Update 2.20.24 (or 20.2.24 for outside U.S. ;)

You know how sometimes an old friend writes you out of the blue and says something to the effect of "Hi! How have the last x years of your life been?" This is my answer for what's been happening for the last two years (since I last updated this blog). Let's start with the massive … Continue reading Update 2.20.24 (or 20.2.24 for outside U.S. 😉