
I live at the intersection of chemistry, statistics, and learning sciences. My STEM education research blends practitioner and researcher roles and focuses on ethics in assessment, critical quantitative methodologies, and assessment and evaluation, specifically ungrading.

My quantitative skills include data cleaning, multiple and multivariate statistical analysis, and data communication and visualization. I can program in R, Matlab, and a little bit in Python. I also use MS Excel, Numbers, and Google Sheets extensively in data cleaning and data visualization. I have also used Access but it’s been awhile. These skills are on display in my thesis – “A Statistical Analysis of the UNM FACETS Design Identity & Beliefs Survey Data”, which can be found here. My Statistics Teaching page can be found here.

My qualitative skills include designing and conducting interviews and focus groups. I have coded interview transcripts, narratives, and artifacts using in vivo, thematic, VAB (values, attitudes, beliefs), holistic, narrative, hypothesis and grounded theory coding techniques. I have used case study (including multiple case study) analysis, narrative analysis, grounded theory, evaluative research and design based research. One of the empirical studies in my dissertation research is a multiple case study.

I’ve written several blogs discussing my research outlook:

Statistics in Education: It’s harder than it looks

Statistics in Education (Part 2): When everything you ever wanted isn’t enough

So what does qualitative research mean anyway?


Evaluative Research (Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4)

Design Based Research (Readings: Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7)

My Professional Design Statement